Hanna Strack » English


Vortrag 2008 in Asilomar anlässlich des Kongresses der APPPAH


Birth in Peru

Commentary by Lara Gomez


Spirituality in times of pregnancy and childbirth

  Her you may download parts of lessons about spirituality in times of pregnancy and childbirth:   Curriculum   Tradition   Encounter Holy   The Unborn   Celebration    


Rituale bei Schwangerschaftsabbruch

Langsam bricht sich die Erkenntnis durch, dass Mütter und Väter, die einen Abbruch vollziehen ließen, von großer Trauer belastet sind.


Blessingwords and prayers around childbirth

Here you find blessingwords by mayself and by others, as I could find.


Back to the Womb

Spiritual journey to the womb where I came from


Rituale zu Verlust während Schwangerschaft und Geburt

Aus den USA bekam ich diese Rituale zugeschickt. Die Verfasserinnen stehen jeweils am Schluss!


“O hour of births”. The imagery of “Birth” in Nelly Sachs’ poems and its meaning in our culture

Lecture hold at the congress of ISSPM, Sept. 2012, Stolpen/Dresden, translation by Nikola Basler, Dresden


Woman as co-creator

‘Woman as co-creator through her strength, composure and courage’ Towards a theology of childbirth, Claremont/California, 2005


The Basic Spiritual Experiences of the Unborn Child

This lecture was given at the APPAH conference in Asilomar 2008


Blessing for a Placenta-Vessel

  Blessing for a Placenta-Vessel By Hanna Strack and Toni Armstrong   Beginning: Look around, where you are: We were sitting in a Hotel-Hall. We spoke about all people we see, all came from their mothers womb, all of them had a placenta as their first companion. There is a huge amethyst, it also come […]


Evelyn Underhill 1875-1941

Evelyn Underhill Evelyn Underhill was born in 1875 as the daughter of a wealthy barrister in Kensington. Even though she encountered Christianity as a child through being baptized and confirmed in the Church of England as it was very much the cultural expectation for someone born in upper-class Kensington, her upbringing was not particularly Christian. […]


Blessing for Pregnants – Abstract

  Blessing for pregnant women and unborn children: Spirituality in a sensitive phase. A challenge for the churches as institution of society   During the period of the churchfathers Western Christian theology was influenced by Greek philosophy, adopting the negative valuation of the womb as, according to Plato, “roaming about everywhere in the body and […]


Kwang-hee Park

Kwang-hee Park, meine Schwiegertochter, stellt hier ihre Doktorarbeit vor.
